Page name: Anthro Pirate Gallery [Logged in view] [RSS]
2023-07-28 09:06:47
Last author: Adnama
Owner: Adnama
# of watchers: 102
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2006-04-10 [waffle ryebread]: really the reason I got so smart was alicia

2006-04-10 [kay-chan]: Waffle, what section of math was that equation from?

2006-04-10 [waffle ryebread]: she said if I dont study real hard she will destroy my computer

2006-04-10 [cyan garland]: talk about blackmail....

2006-04-10 [Cult Leader]: Oh my... 0_0

2006-04-15 [panta kun]: and also.........waffle and alicia sittin in a tree ^-^

2006-04-15 [waffle ryebread]: w-wha? you're nuts no way!

2006-04-15 [Cult Leader]: Awwwwwwww!! *Squee-huggles*

2006-04-15 [cyan garland]: its true I gots it on camera ^ ^

2006-04-15 [waffle ryebread]: you gots notin on camera we were studying - -

2006-04-16 [panta kun]: rrriiiggghhhttt.........heh heh

2006-04-17 [waffle ryebread]: ok everywhone say one thing that ya did for easter

2006-04-17 [kay-chan]: Ummmmm... egg-decorated! And then finding them! That's two, but they go hand in hand.

2006-04-17 [cyan garland]: I spent 3 hours with good ol grape wine ^-^

2006-04-17 [panta kun]: I spent half of the day napping :P

2006-04-17 [kay-chan]: Mmmm for sleep!

2006-04-18 [waffle ryebread]: I went to a party  there was a band and everything XD

2006-04-18 [Cult Leader]: lol, I did that Saturday! And had a mild hangover for easter...

2006-04-24 [panta kun]: *runs around the ship*you cant catch meh^ ^

2006-04-24 [kay-chan]: Watch out, I just waxed the floor. Don't know why. Just bored.

2006-04-24 [panta kun]: *trips on nose*oww oww oww oww!>-<

2006-04-24 [panta kun]: why dont we oww....go on another oww.....s-ship battle? oww

2006-04-26 [waffle ryebread]: - -'

2006-04-26 [kay-chan]: How did you manage to trip on your nose?

2006-04-26 [cyan garland]: *looks at panta*....wait a minute....does he...even have a nose? 0_o

2006-04-28 [panta kun]: .....dunno

2006-04-28 [kay-chan]: That is a trippy question... O.o

2006-05-01 [waffle ryebread]: I've been having a sleep problem......I sleep in the day and walk in the night O-O

2006-05-01 [cyan garland]: I,ll say one thing.......VAMPIRE.......

2006-05-01 [kay-chan]: That also entails an eating disorder where you only ingest blood... >.< I'm tired now. Why are we talking about sleep problems?

2006-05-01 [Cult Leader]: ??

2006-05-02 [kay-chan]: I HAVE NO IDEA. >.< Just very stressed and depressed but YUCK on personal problems. *slides on waxed floors in socks*

2006-05-02 [Cult Leader]: Aww... I sowwy... If it's any consolation I'm kinda heartsick right now...

2006-05-02 [kay-chan]: Awww, thanks... but I'm not really cheered up by other people's pain... :( *pats cult's head* heartsick sucks...

2006-05-02 [Cult Leader]: Pish.... I'll get over it, I'm too smexy to be depressed! *Glomp-Huggles*

2006-05-03 [kay-chan]: That's right! We're too beautiful to wear frowns. ;D

2006-05-03 [waffle ryebread]: ^_^'

2006-05-03 [Cult Leader]: Hellz yeah! *Huggles everyone*

2006-05-07 [cyan garland]: ugh......waffle's birthday was yesterday......and I had too much margaritas X_X

2006-05-07 [waffle ryebread]: I told you not to have too much  but nooooo somewhone had to have a brainfreeze - -'

2006-05-07 [kay-chan]: Haha. Happy Late Birfday, Waffle! ^.^

2006-05-09 [waffle ryebread]: thanks ^_^

2006-05-09 [cyan garland]: I cant help it   I gots to have some

2006-05-09 [panta kun]: you had a second party?!? why wasnt I invited? ._.

2006-05-09 [cyan garland]: cause it had a little something called free MAR-GA-RI-TAS

2006-05-09 [Cult Leader]: Pish... I didn't get invited.... =3

2006-05-09 [kay-chan]: I never get invited... *cries* Mostly because people think I don't like to get drunk. I get plenty drunk! Hell, it's usually hard to tell when I'm NOT drunk (although I think that's just my personality)! But yeah... I'm a party-girl in a quiet-looking girl's body... :(

2006-05-09 [waffle ryebread]: well......when cyan gets drunk you also cant tell the diffrence.......he still does stupid things -~-

2006-05-09 [cyan garland]: like you dont do silly things - -

2006-05-10 [kay-chan]: Ha! That's what I would do! XD

2006-05-10 [cyan garland]: then when youre fighting bears for fish I,ll back you up >:D

2006-05-11 [Cult Leader]: omg that's funny! X3

2006-05-11 [panta kun]: that bear was taking fighting lessons o-0

2006-05-11 [Cult Leader]: Hellz yesh.

2006-05-11 [The Last Dragoon]: my friends and I were laughing our heads off

2006-05-11 [Night Prowler]: wassuuuuuup

2006-05-11 [Night Prowler]: what's this wiki about???

2006-05-12 [kay-chan]: Well, it has [Adnama]'s artwork but we just fool around in the comments box and talk about random stuff. ^.^

2006-05-12 [Night Prowler]: oh so it's like a chat wiki type thing

2006-05-12 [panta kun]: yep  and welcome *shakes prowler's hand crazily*

2006-05-12 [panta kun]: and welcome back sir deadeye *solutes*

2006-05-12 [waffle ryebread]: - -'

2006-05-12 [Lady of Lore]: still standing in background enjoying listening to the random things people say ^^

2006-05-12 [Night Prowler]: wow this looks like so much fun*runs fraticly about yelling insanities*

2006-05-12 [The Last Dragoon]: someone get Prowler a straight jacket before he hurts himself

2006-05-12 [Lady of Lore]: hands Dragoon some duct tape

2006-05-12 [The Last Dragoon]: of couse the handyman's secret weapon *quickly wraps prowler with entire roll*

2006-05-12 [Lady of Lore]: they even make duct tape in different colors now, lol ^^

2006-05-12 [Night Prowler]: ah not cool lemme go lemme go,not fair i wasn't paying attention

2006-05-12 [Lady of Lore]: lol, no more enegery drinks for you! We do want at least some level of sanity here, lol

2006-05-12 [Night Prowler]: ahhh,ok i'll be sane i'll be sane

2006-05-12 [Night Prowler]: the guards won't let me put up a bannar for this wiki what the hell

2006-05-12 [cyan garland]: guards guards guards......there everywhere -~-

2006-05-13 [Night Prowler]: *kick a rock and sit on the ground whispering obsanitys*

2006-05-13 [Cult Leader]: Guards... Pfft...

2006-05-13 [Night Prowler]: yeah that's what i say

2006-05-13 [kay-chan]: I dunno... they can be pretty cool... :(

2006-05-13 [Night Prowler]: i'd like to see how all they do is delete your pix and kick people off,wait hey will you please get this tape off of me now

2006-05-13 [kay-chan]: *sigh* They delete your pictures because they AREN'T YOURS. And aloud=allowed. Don't EVEN get me started on you, little one.

2006-05-13 [kay-chan]: But before you decide you want to argue about it, little one, just think: you're on a wiki that's basically a fansite for [Adnama]'s work. [Adnama] is proudly a veteran guard. Do you really think you'd win here?

2006-05-13 [waffle ryebread]: *speechless*)ya got a point there

2006-05-13 [waffle ryebread]: The coffee=elftown alone wont be good without the cream=guards

2006-05-13 [cyan garland]: you drink black coffee?!? how can you stand that stuff? XP

2006-05-13 [waffle ryebread]: tastes good to me!!!^ ^ dont forget that our tastes are different from humans!! *starts runing around*

2006-05-13 [waffle ryebread]: is that a fish? *dives after it*

2006-05-13 [panta kun]: *stares at cyan*hey cyan aint you a guard?

2006-05-13 [kay-chan]: I luffers the coffee! And the analogy is good for me-my coffee is half cream when I drink it XD *kicks a bear's ass for waffle's fish*

2006-05-13 [Night Prowler]: what ever man

2006-05-14 [cyan garland]: *stares at waffle and kay fighting bears* and he says I do crazy stuff -~-

2006-05-14 [panta kun]: whoa is he doin kung fu? look at those moves!

2006-05-14 [cyan garland]: naw he has some fish in his pants....thats why he's moving funny.............ha ha ha!

2006-05-14 [Night Prowler]: i give up no more of it*sits on ass and watches the bears*

2006-05-14 [kay-chan]: Shall kick bear ass! *throws herself at random bears... for only the BEST of fish!*

2006-05-14 [Night Prowler]: wht are you doing that was fun to watch*insanities insanities insanities*

2006-05-14 [panta kun]: *bites a bear's leg*

2006-05-14 [Night Prowler]: *quikly grabs bear and runs*haha i've got him

2006-05-14 [panta kun]: *talks to bear*alright bear drop the fish!

2006-05-14 [Night Prowler]: why are you taking fish from bear pants?!?!?!

2006-05-14 [waffle ryebread]: eh fishing takes longer *takes fish out of pants* its more better with kung fu action!

2006-05-14 [cyan garland]: speakin of kung fu now I know why kids are scared of clowns-->

2006-05-14 [kay-chan]: Heeeee! Clown-fu!

2006-05-14 [Night Prowler]: clown-fu*excited*man now i really want to meet a clown

2006-05-16 [cyan garland]: yeah but have you seen that movie killer clowns from outer space? O-O........that movie scared the heck out of me when I was small

2006-05-16 [waffle ryebread]: you and your FICTION-FILLED-MOVIES

2006-05-16 [Night Prowler]: spaceclowns...


2006-05-16 [The Last Dragoon]: that was.....interesting...

2006-05-16 [Night Prowler]: what

2006-05-16 [The Last Dragoon]: cyans link, I think you called it "clown-fu"

2006-05-16 [Night Prowler]:


2006-05-16 [waffle ryebread]: im headin down the galley to cook meh fish ^_^ *carrys down 120 of them*

2006-05-16 [panta kun]: ahh the smell of victory......wait

2006-05-16 [cyan garland]: clown-fu.....that may be a new art.....

2006-05-17 [kay-chan]: If you lose track of the conversation, Night, it might not hurt to... read the previous comments...

2006-05-17 [Night Prowler]: look a black eyed monkey d0_ob

2006-05-18 [Cult Leader]: Huh?

2006-05-18 [cyan garland]: ?-?

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: nothing nevermind

2006-05-18 [waffle ryebread]: fishsticks are ready!

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: *steals a stick* ewwwwwwwww it's cold

2006-05-18 [waffle ryebread]: that was'nt heated - - heres one

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: thank you...but why are you being so nice i just took one and you still offered me another*looks at the ground*i'm sorry i'll be nice

2006-05-18 [kay-chan]: Haha, nothing like the power of waffle's altruism to make someone behave. XD

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: what's altruism i'm so confused

2006-05-18 [kay-chan]: Altruism is a completely selfless act. Like Mother Teresa and giving aid to the poor, or waffle giving you a fishstick when you had stolen one. If you're confused with vocabulary in the future, do what I do! Go to It's enlightenment online! ^.^

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: ohk sorry for being dumb you could do what i do and not care though life is funner that way you should try it

2006-05-18 [Cult Leader]: Awww.... Waffle is so nice! *Huggles teh Waffle*

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: this video is funny just clik,watch and come back here

2006-05-18 [Cult Leader]: lol, I luff Weird Al ^^

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: did you watch it you should wqtch gump too

2006-05-18 [kay-chan]: Oh don't worry, Night Prowler, I don't really CARE about your vocabulary, I was just trying to be helpful. But along those lines, Night Prowler, you remind me of a song... entitled 'Dancing Through Life'... don't worry about what I'm talking about, you don't tend to like explanations anyway, it seems... >.< On a less 'me is evil' note, Wierd Al is teh best! Haha! XD

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: i like explinations i just don't like them ended with rude remarx

2006-05-18 [kay-chan]: How would you even KNOW if I was being smart with you? Gah... But you know what? I was honestly being helpful. I was being nice, even though you insulted the elftown guards the moment you came here, and when I tried to aid you with explanations and helpful links you called me a smartass. But I'm not going to argue with you. You know what they say about arguing online...

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: no i wasn't talking about you i was explaining to you that i actually do like explinations cause i'm so dumb that i need them

2006-05-18 [kay-chan]: You said you "didn't like explanations ended with smartass remarks." I never ended anything with smartass remarks. I'm sorry if you interpreted them that way, but they honestly aren't intended to be rude or smartass (well, maybe the last one because I was mad). And please stop calling yourself dumb. I hate it when people use derogatory remarks on themselves, because it's not true.

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: i wasn't talking about you i meant that some people like to end explinations to me by trying to call me stupid say for instince if you had half a brain you could figure that out wich is the most common choice

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: and if you hung out with me for a day you would know the derogetory things are in deed true

2006-05-18 [kay-chan]: No, okay? I don't know how you were raised, but I learned from an early age to NEVER call myself stupid. Nobody, unless they are clinically mentally challenged, which you ARE NOT-NOBODY is dumb. The only thing dumb anybody can do is call themselves dumb.

2006-05-18 [kay-chan]: I'm not your mom, so I won't prop up your ego or further this lecture. But I will say this: as long as you are in this wiki, do NOT call yourself dumb or I promise I shall unleash the wrath of Me upon you! Rawr!

2006-05-18 [kay-chan]: It hasn't been proven worth shite. Einstein failed HIS classes. But I am not here to help, trust me... :P I'm bad at the 'helping others' bit. So even if you feel like it's the truth, don't say it around here. Just say something like, "Oh, I didn't understand it, thanks for helping." Nothing about how you think you're dumb in this comment box! Rawrness! And everybody here will agree with me.

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: ok

2006-05-18 [cyan garland]: O-O................whats on tv panta?

2006-05-18 [waffle ryebread]: ......whoa........I've never seen this side of [le kay-chan] before *lends cult and panta fishsticks*

2006-05-18 [waffle ryebread]: a fun side and smart side ^_^ *gobbles on fish*

2006-05-18 [kay-chan]: Noooooo, you saw it! *hides smart side away* You didn't see AAANYthing... *Jedi-mind trick*

2006-05-18 [Night Prowler]: hehe i sawisaw itfunny

2006-05-19 [cyan garland]: *comes back laughing*good ol jerry


2006-05-19 [cyan garland]: *steals fishstick and hides it under coat* << >>

2006-05-19 [Night Prowler]: please don't slap me with that

2006-05-19 [waffle ryebread]: *sigh* another stealer.........

2006-05-19 [Night Prowler]: please i haven't done anything to deserve that put it back before you get slapped with a salmon or somethin like they did to me

2006-05-19 [waffle ryebread]: I hope you know that was'nt a fish stick that was cult's ferret -~-

2006-05-19 [cyan garland]: O_O........*looks slowly under coat*GET IT OFF!!!! *runs around crazily*

2006-05-19 [Night Prowler]: ha you stole a furret...what's a furret,is it a weasle

2006-05-19 [panta kun]: I think he got something worse than a salmon slap- -

2006-05-19 [waffle ryebread]: wait where did you get that coat? stolen?

2006-05-19 [Night Prowler]: oooh you goona getit good'n now you better run

2006-05-19 [kay-chan]: My mommy said stealing was wrong! And then I was locked in the closet... ;____;

2006-05-19 [cyan garland]: *pauses*no I got it from ebay........*continues runnig*

2006-05-19 [Night Prowler]: see ya

2006-05-19 [waffle ryebread]: ah well *goes to galley* more fishsticks! >U<

2006-05-19 [waffle ryebread]: remember every bite you take was a fist of kung-fu against a bear..........heh heh

2006-05-19 [Night Prowler]: *squints*what that mean

2006-05-19 [cyan garland]: I dunno he can be very confusing sometimes :P

2006-05-19 [Night Prowler]: i be very cunfoosed,prowler think he be trippin on some crakijuana

2006-05-19 [waffle ryebread]: eh? @_@

2006-05-20 [Night Prowler]: crackijuana

2006-05-20 [kay-chan]: *eats fishstick* Mmmmm, fist of kung-fu. Nummeh.

2006-05-20 [Night Prowler]: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahyou guys seen super mario bros. the movie

2006-05-20 [Cult Leader]: What are you dolts doin' with mah ferret!

2006-05-21 [cyan garland]: what ferret?..........*walks away funny*

2006-05-21 [Night Prowler]: that ferret

2006-05-21 [kay-chan]: Cyan! Stop putting ferrets in your pants! I'm going to a con this weekend! ^.^ I'm going as Shampoo from Ranma 1/2... *purr*

2006-05-22 [cyan garland]: hey question......... can I go? can I go? can I go? can I go? can I go? can I go? can I go? can I go? can I go? can I go? can I go? can I go? can I go? 

2006-05-22 [kay-chan]: You may! Whether or not you CAN is a different story... :P It's in California, soooo...

2006-05-22 [panta kun]: then well go in waffle's plane then.........and if people ask just say im a plush toy

2006-05-22 [Night Prowler]: gyarrr i be makin a pirate crew maties

2006-05-22 [The Last Dragoon]: been there done that *raises hook*

2006-05-22 [Night Prowler]: gyarrr it be a group of plundrin pirates ond der be booty to be found

2006-05-23 [waffle ryebread]: yeah but panta let ME drive this time cause last time cyan drived the plane we ended up in new york

2006-05-23 [cyan garland]: you have the plane working again and you didnt tell me?!?

2006-05-23 [waffle ryebread]: yeah that was a long time ago  and we crashed in the sea and ended up here

2006-05-23 [waffle ryebread]: good thing it floats :P

2006-05-23 [kay-chan]: Yay for going to California and driving your own plane! XD

2006-05-23 [Night Prowler]: were there pirate crews on here before yesterday

2006-05-23 [kay-chan]: We have been a pirate crew on here since the dawn of time. :P

2006-05-23 [Night Prowler]: -swoosh- we are ninjas now

2006-05-23 [Lady of Lore]: does being ninjas help us pilot the plane?

2006-05-24 [Night Prowler]: what the heck do that mean

2006-05-24 [Lady of Lore]: well before we weer talkin of crashing the plane into the sea...

2006-05-24 [waffle ryebread]: *switches to scientist mode*well the reason of the crash can be said by a few words.......the words that says it all *copies cyan's voice*what does this button do?

2006-05-24 [Cult Leader]: ??

2006-05-24 [cyan garland]: *shrugs*err I thought that was the radio

2006-05-24 [Night Prowler]: i'm gone*poof*

2006-05-24 [kay-chan]: Heehee, poof is one letter away from poo. But seriously, strange buttons are the bane of the curious. *nods sagely*

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